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Transform Your Organization with John Kotter
John Kotter Guides You through the Eight Steps For Successfully Leading ChangeChange can be difficult for any manager or leader. How do you initiate a change effort? How do make it work? What are the pitfalls? How can you succeed?These are some of the questions that John has addressed in this new vi... read more
New Release DVD style course with completion certificate only


Transform Your Organization with John Kotter

John Kotter Guides You through the Eight Steps For Successfully Leading Change

Change can be difficult for any manager or leader. How do you initiate a change effort? How do make it work? What are the pitfalls? How can you succeed?

These are some of the questions that John has addressed in this new video workbook designed for use by any manager, team leader, or senior leader who is embarking on a change effort.

The Transform Your Organization video workbook is an essential companion product for anyone using John Kotter’s Succeeding in A Changing World. In Transform Your Organization Dr. Kotter walks you through each of his 8 Steps of Change. He provides you with strategies and tips to help you avoid potential problems. The program is designed to be easy to use so you can use it as a reference tool and as a personal resource to help you succeed in your next change effort.

The Eight Step Process:

  1. Increase Urgency
  2. Build the Guiding Team
  3. Get the Vision Right
  4. Communicate for Buy-In
  5. Empower Action
  6. Create Short-Term Wins
  7. Don’t Let Up
  8. Make Change Stick

Why Use John Kotter’s 8-Step Change Process?

Most leaders and managers are experts at their core business, but aren’t experts in change. In fact, for most organizations, change is difficult, painful, and costly. In a world of ever increasing rates of change (and where entire economies can shift almost overnight), the inability to change quickly and effectively can mean the difference between an organization thriving or dying. When a major transformation initiative arises, getting it right the first time often becomes an imperative.

Organizations that lead change effectively can take advantage of opportunities, avoid hazards, and create enormous value for their stakeholders. Studies show that organizations that are adept at change grow faster, create more wealth, enhance customer success, gain public support, and compete more effectively. This ability is, in fact, the largest differentiating factor in the top performing organizations in the world.

Approximately 70% of major organizational change initiatives fail or fall short of their goals. But there is a reliable and effective method for leading change. Dr. John Kotter’s 8 Step process for organizational change is one of the most widely adopted methodologies in the market today. The 8-Step method has been developed after evaluating how hundreds of companies lead successful (and not so successful) change efforts. It has a proven track record in a wide variety of cases.

John Kotter is a noted expert in change. Through his years of research at Harvard Business School and with corporations and government agencies around the world, he has learned the critical success factors in any change effort. Over the years, Dr. Kotter’s books and videos have shown how any organization can succeed.

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myTrainFlix Basic Titles
Release Date
Jan 1, 2010
Video Running Time (minutes)
Enterprise Media
Featured Talent
John P. Kotter
Course ID


Don't Let Up
Runtime: 3:50
Empower Action
Runtime: 3:49
Increase Urgency
Runtime: 5:58
Runtime: 4:37