With both video content and trainer tools, your presentations are:
- More compelling.
- More interesting.
- More memorable.
- Students learn more and retain more knowledge.
Click on the heading of interest ... information will be presented.
- Support your classroom presentations using full program video, chapters and clips.
- Either stream content from the Internet or play locally from your PC.
- Insert video links into documents, e-mails, PowerPoint and course authoring tools.
- Play DVD quality video for projection and large screen display. The Local Access Option is like a virtual DVD library on your PC. Four to Eight times the quality of high speed Internet.
- Download support materials in digital formats including Leaders Guides, PowerPoint aides, and Student handouts. Availability varies from course to course.
- Supports a roaming trainer. Internet access is not required. Presentations can be completely self-contained on a laptop.
- Manage student curriculums by assigning courses.
- Manage groups of students and courses for easier course assignment.
- Review student activity and results; manage student course lists.
- Create usage reports (PDF and Excel downloads).
- Preview all video in library regardless of your purchased licenses.
- Preview eLearning courses prior to assigning to students.
- Search for and display course information including keywords, categories and other criteria.
- Play Video from Course Detail page for classroom/group usage.
- Preview all courses (whether licensed or not).
- Download support materials (licensed courses).
- Assign Courses to participants.
- Add/Remove Participants.
- Search Participants: Review Participant My Courses list, Course Results, and Review/Change Participant Account properties.
- Manage groups of participants and licensed products.
- Create reports (PDF or Excel downloads).
Do you have limited Internet bandwidth or simply do not want video streaming to consume your Internet access resources? If so, please consider the Local Access Option.
A small external hard drive is provided that contains most video in the ArcLearn library. Just plug the USB cable into your PC, complete a simple setup page, and you are done. Your video is now played locally at DVD quality right there on your PC; no streaming involved.
- Access course video locally instead of streaming over the Internet (network attached). This applies to all self-study and website initiated courses and video.
- Access WMV files locally from a trainer PC (PC attached).