Small companies, departments, consultants, and independent trainers need access to training at afordable prices. So, ArcLearn has created Bundles and License Packs which are available at better pricing and with fewer “plays” to make them much more attractive.

  • Bundles are packages of multiple courses.
  • License Packs are like bundles but end users can swap out old titles with new titles as often as monthly.  Especially designed for small companies who want to implement eLearning.


Bundle Term Length Number of Plays Price  

Bundles are groups of courses with better pricing than individual courses. Bundles range from 5 to 25 courses; you choose the specific courses at your own pace. Courses do not need to be selected all at one time. And you can share plays across all of your courses.

Number of titles Number of
included plays
Price per play for additional plays
(if purchased with base package)
Term of license Price Average cost per play
5 250 $3.00 1 year $1,295.00 $5.18
10 500 $3.00 1 year $2,490.00 $4.98
15 750 $3.00 1 year $3,585.00 $4.78
20 1,000 $3.00 1 year $4,580.00 $4.58
25 1,250 $3.00 1 year $5,475.00 $4.38

The end user organization purchases one of these bundles; you pick and choose the courses to include.  Once one picks any course and the course is used, the course is included in the bundle for the duration of the term.  If one picks a course, it can be changed to another course before it is actually used.  And, one can add courses to the bundle at any time after the bundle is purchased; the additions do not need to be done all at once. All additions are done on the ArcLearn website by the end user organization’s administrator.

License Packs

License Pack Term Length Number of Plays Price  

A license pack is a bundle, with a twist. You can mix/match titles in your license every month!  Remove the ones you no longer want and replace with a new title.  And, keep on changing every month as your needs change.

Maximum titles
out at one time
Number of
included plays
Price per play for additional plays
(if purchased with base package)
Term of license Price Average cost per play
1 100 $6.00 1 year $725.00 $7.25
3 200 $6.00 1 year $1,324.00 $6.62
5 300 $6.00 1 year $1,923.00 $6.41
10 550 $6.00 1 year $3,421.00 $6.22
20 1,050 $6.00 1 year $6,405.00 $6.10

License packs vary by selecting the maximum number of titles that are available on one time.  In all of the packs, you can swap your current titles with other titles as often as every month.  If you select a 5 pack, you pick a maximum of 5 titles this month.  Next month, you swap out the ones that you no longer need with fresh, new titles.  Do this as often as monthly.

Purchase a 5 pack and you can get as many as 60 different titles over the course of one year!  Buying DVD, this would cost you as much as $50,000 or more!  An ArcLearn 5 Pack is only $1,923!!