Streaming Video

One Year Limited Access


Plays $935.00

This item contains several different items. Purchasing this item includes all of the component items listed below.


The SWITCH ON SERIES has been created by psychologist Eve Ash to help people identify and change negative thinking patterns. Each program is short with a unique tempo and style, great graphics and music… and no voices!

The SWITCH ON SERIES uses a simple approach based on the notion of ‘scripts’ or ‘messages’ in our head that help us or hinder us at work. It shows a range of typical thinking patterns that underpin the actions and work that people do. It shows how negative messages can be transformed with a proactive approach to: SWITCH ON POSITIVE MESSAGES! Culture is changed when thoughts become actions and this is the vital link to positively change a workplace culture and the style of communication.


Switch on Everyone: Show all levels in all businesses that positive attitudes make a difference.
Switch on Respect: Ideal for attitudinal and diversity training to ensure people are open.
Switch on Service: Deliver quality service – internally or externally, face-to-face or on the phone.
Switch on Assertiveness: Everyone needs to be assertive, not aggressive or non-assertive.
Switch on Caring: For health care professionals, managers and service staff.

Component Items

This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

Switch On Everyone
This program provides the stimulus for everyone to re-evaluate their own thinking patterns and behaviors. It will help them recognize negative thinking so they can then turn it around. This leads to improved confidence, persistence and more effective communication skills. Managers need to lead by ex... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Switch On Respect
SWITCH ON RESPECT is aimed at helping everyone at all levels to maintain a respectful non-judgmental attitude. It is ideal for attitudinal, discrimination and diversity training, bullying and harassment prevention programs, conflict resolution, telephone and service training, and for developing effe... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Switch On Service
SWITCH ON SERVICE is aimed at developing and maintaining positive service attitudes in all staff that provide service to internal or external customers, whether it be face to face, on the phone or online. It is ideal for developing effective communication and service skills. It can be used for induc... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Switch On Caring
SWITCH ON CARING is aimed at service staff, health care professionals and helpers in a wide range of industries. It is ideal for attitudinal, telephone and service training, conflict resolution, and for developing effective communication skills. It can be used for induction, team building, counselin... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Switch On Assertiveness
SWITCH ON ASSERTIVENESS is aimed at helping everyone communicate effectively and assertively, respecting other people’s rights and their own rights. It is ideal for communication and service skills training, as well as bullying and harassment prevention programs. It can be used for induction, team b... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only